90-year-old former Lake Alfred commissioner now faces more than 3,000 counts of child porn

Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd is asking anyone who is aware of or may have witnessed inappropriate interactions with former Lake Alfred City Commissioner Charles Lake to come forward after detectives found more than 3,000 videos and images of child pornography on his electronic devices. 

Lake was arrested last month and charged with 300 counts of child pornography. 

After his April arrest, a forensic technician with the Polk County Sheriff’s Office looked at all of Lake’s electronic storage devices that were seized as evidence and found an additional 2,896 video and image files depicting pornographic sexual abuse images of children between the ages of six months to twelve years old, and engaged in graphic sexual conduct with adults, children, and animals.

The 90-year-old former city commissioner is now facing 3,196 counts of child pornography. 

PREVIOUS: 90-year-old Lake Alfred city commissioner arrested on 300 counts of child pornography: Affidavit

Detectives say Lake had a very "compartmentalized" system of organizing and categorizing the thousands of child sex abuse images he had on his devices. 

Charles Lake mugshot courtesy of the Polk County Sheriff's Office.

Charles Lake mugshot courtesy of the Polk County Sheriff's Office.

According to PCSO, Lake's electronic and storage devices had child rape images and videos with adults sexually abusing (raping) children, children engaged in graphic sexual conduct with other children, bestiality with children, and child pornography that displayed children in lewd and sexually explicit situations.

Investigators say Lake also had other "adult" pornographic images and videos that included transgenderism and bestiality.

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"Charles Lake is a public official with a dark, twisted involvement with the exploitative child pornography trade. In the past, he has done photography for the city and local schools and has assisted people with their computers," stated Judd.  "We are asking if anyone is aware of or witnessed any inappropriate interactions, images, or involvement associated with Charles Lake to contact the Polk County Sheriff’s Office at 863-298-6200."

Lake was elected to the city commission in 2012 and served as the city's mayor for several years. 

He voluntarily resigned after his arrest in April. 

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