68-year-old woman using walker attacked by convicted felon in Orlando
Woman, 68, attacked while using walker
A 68-year-old woman was attacked while using her walker. The senior citizen was assaulted while going to visit a friend in Parramore.
ORLANDO, Fla. - A Central Florida man who has been in trouble with the law is back in jail again.
Prince Occenat, 25, is accused of assaulting a senior citizen with a deadly weapon as she was using her walker in Parramore.
"I’m 68 years old. I can’t fight nobody!" she said.
This woman, named Linda, asked us not to use her last name for fear of retaliation. She said she went outside briefly to see a friend when Occenat offered her drugs.
"Said something, 'You want some weed?' I said, 'I don’t want nothing!' I turned the corner. As I turned he says, "Hey you stupid -- and he cussed me. I got so nervous."
She trembled as she told us what happens next.
"He pulled the knife out of his pocket and opened it up like this and said, 'I’ll 'eff' you up, and that’s when he went like this and went like that."
She said she started screaming for help and called 911.
Police said the suspect ran off, but they were able to catch him at W. Amelia Street and Paramore Avenue.
It’s not the first time Occenat’s been taken into custody. Back in 2017, Volusia County sheriff's deputies arrested him for allegedly stealing a car from a funeral home and crashing it. He has a criminal history dating back to 2016. According to a police report, Occenat is now homeless.
Linda isn’t sure why he tried attacking her.
"It’s pitiful. He couldn’t have been in his right mind."
Orlando police warn others to beware of their surroundings.
"I went in two rounds of chemo."
Linda, who is an ovarian cancer survivor is shaken but escaped injury. She believes her faith got her through this scary situation.
"I asked God, 'Please help me! Give me courage to make it through it!' I believe he was watching over me."
Occenat is also charged with possession of a weapon as a convicted felon.