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Following a bitter back-and-forth with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, President Donald Trump is set to deliver his State of the Union address Tuesday night. You can watch the speech live on your FOX station at 8 p.m. CT / 9 p.m. ET. The delayed speech comes ahead of what could be another partial government shutdown.
In an excerpt of the speech released by the White House, Trump will call on Congress "to break decades of political stalemate and to build new coalitions to unlock the extraordinary promise of America’s future." But while the president may talk about unity, he may also argue for declaring a national emergency to build a southern border wall and bypass Democrats in Congress.
The primary Democratic response will come from Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, an unusual choice since she lost the election and holds no elective office, but she is seen as a rising star in the party.
If the stage isn’t set with enough drama, you can make the State of the Union a little more interesting with these prop bets:
Total non-facts said by President Trump during SOTU (according to Washington Post Fact Checker blog)
Over 21
Under 21
President Trump approval rating on 2/6/19 (according to FiveThirtyEight)
Over 40.5
Under 40.5
Total tweets by President Trump on 2/5/19
Over 1.5
Under 1.5
Length of SOTU
Over 75 minutes
Under 75 minutes
Total viewers for SOTU (according to Nielsen)
Over 47 million
Under 47 million
Who will President Trump mention first in his remarks?
Vice President +150
Senate Majority Leader +200
Members of Congress +250
My fellow Americans +300
First Lady +500
Speaker of the House +800
Will President Trump be interrupted by something other than applause?
Yes +450
No -800
How many standing ovations will President Trump receive?
Over 69.5
Under 69.5
Who will be the "designated survivor" of Trump's SOTU address?
Betsy DeVos +600
Rick Perry +700
Kirstjen Nielsen +800
Robert Wilkie +800
Alex Azar +1000
Alexander Acosta +1000
Sonny Perdue +1000
Wilbur Ross +1000
Ben Carson +1000
Steve Mnuchin +1000
Mike Pompeo +1000
Patrick Shanahan +1500
David Bernhardt +1500
Predominant color of President Trump's tie
Red -150
Blue +200
Multi-color +250
Green +400
Black +500
Yellow +1000
Pink +1000
Predominant color of Ivanka Trump's dress
Red +300
White +400
Blue +500
Pink +600
Black +800
Green +800
Yellow +800
Purple +1000
Orange +1000
Brown +1000
Silver/Grey +1000
Predominant color of Melania Trump's dress
Blue +400
Pink +400
White +500
Black +500
Red +600
Green +800
Yellow +800
Purple +1000
Orange +1000
Brown +1000
Silver/Grey +1000
Which country, other than the United States, will President Trump mention first?
China +150
Mexico +200
Russia +250
Israel +500
North Korea +700
Iran +700
Syria +1000
Iraq +1000
Afghanistan +1000
United Kingdom +1500
France +1500
Any Central American country other than Mexico +1500
Canada +1500
Germany +3000
Cuba +3000
Turkey +5000
Brazil +5000
India +5000
Japan +5000
Field (Any other country) +2000
Will President Trump say the official name of a news media outlet?
Yes +220
No -300
Will Nancy Pelosi attend the SOTU address?
Yes -2000
No +800
Will President Trump say "Nancy Pelosi"
Yes -500
No +350
Will President Trump say "Stacey Abrams"
Yes +450
No -800
Will President Trump say "Cory Booker"
Yes +200
No -300
Will President Trump say "Elizabeth Warren"
Yes +200
No -300
Will President Trump say "Kamala Harris"
Yes +250
No -350
Will President Trump say "Joe Biden"
Yes +250
No -350
Will President Trump say "Bernie Sanders"
Yes +300
No -400
Will President Trump say "Hillary Clinton"
Yes +150
No -200
Will President Trump say "Beto O'Rourke"
Yes +450
No -800
If President Trump says "Beto" will he mispronounce his name?
Yes -150
No +120
If President Trump says "Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez" will he mispronounce her name?
Yes -200
No +150
Will President Trump say "abortion"
Yes +150
No -200
Will President Trump say "transgender"
Yes +600
No -1000
Will President Trump say "fake news"
Yes -120
No -120
Will President Trump say "race relations"
Yes -120
No -120
Will President Trump say "make America great again"
Yes -300
No +200
Will President Trump criticize NATO for lack of defense spending?
Yes +200
No -300
Total times President Trump says "shutdown"
Over 5.5
Under 5.5
Total times President Trump says "wall"
Over 12.5
Under 12.5
Total times President Trump says "DACA"
Over 1.5
Under 1.5
Total times President Trump says "immigration"
Over 8.5
Under 8.5
Total times President Trump says "health care"
Over 1.5
Under 1.5
Total times President Trump says "socialism"
Over 1.5
Under 1.5
Total times President Trump says "war"
Over 2.5
Under 2.5
Total times President Trump says "Venezuela"
Over 1.5
Under 1.5
Total times President Trump says "global warming"
Over 2.5
Under 2.5
Total times President Trump says "unemployment"
Over 2.5
Under 2.5
Total times President Trump says "jobs"
Over 5.5
Under 5.5
Total times President Trump says "tax cuts"
Over 4.5
Under 4.5
*Odds as set by BetDSI Sportsbook