3 flags stolen from VFW Department of Florida headquarters in Ocala | FOX 35 Orlando

3 flags stolen from VFW Department of Florida headquarters in Ocala

Ocala police officers are looking for two different thieves who stole the flags from the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of Florida headquarters. They were caught on surveillance cameras.

In the dark video, you can barely see someone taking down an American flag and a Florida flag in front of the John M. Carney Memorial Building, then taking off.

Eugene Perrino Sr. works at the VFW Department of Florida headquarters and said the thefts make him sick.

"Didn’t make me feel too good. I spent 22 years in the military serving my country. You take the American flag from anywhere, it’s disgusting! It’s disgraceful!"

And that’s not all. Perrino said Old Glory and the state flag were taken on July 5, the observed holiday for Independence Day.

This is also not the first flag theft report. Ocala Police said someone else swiped the POW-MIA flag on Memorial Day.

"I think the POW-MIA flag, the gentleman took for himself. But the other one, I think they were just making a statement because he was a younger gentleman."  

Perrino said there is no reason to steal a flag.  

"If they need a flag, we can knock on the door, we can give them a flag."  

They have installed new cameras with night vision to catch the crooks.

"We will prosecute to the maximum amount of the law. They are not gonna get away with it." 

He said the flags are worth $45 to $65 each. They have already been replaced.

If you have information on the thefts call the Ocala Police Department.

OcalaMarion CountyFloridaCrime and Public Safety